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CTICC Leadership Team

CTICC Leadership Team

EXCO Members

Leadership Team

img arisha sukaloo
Arisha Sukaloo


There is no passion to be found in playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela

img anolette freeks
Arnolette Freeks


I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou

img chantal croaster
Chantal Croaster


One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be comprised. Stay true to yourself!

craig claasen
Craig Claassen


Be true to yourself, be honest with others, and be the same person everywhere you go!

img duane dudley
Duane Dudley


It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Board of Directors
Lillian Hlabangane


If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If you see someone being ignored, find a way to include them. Always remind people of their worth.

Marcellino MacClune
Marcellino MacClune


Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week! – Jay Z

img mashudu mbengeni
Mashudu Mbengeni


Do today what others think of doing tomorrow.

img olivia bruce
Olivia Bruce


In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Board of Directors 8
Phindile Sekowe


Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin

Phumulani Hlatshwayo


‘‘Don’t talk about it, be about it’’

img piet pool
Piet Pool


The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self

img roberto de carvalho
Roberto De Carvalho


If you never climb, you will never fail. But there would be no enjoyment living your whole life on the ground. Energy and tenacity overcome all things!

Board of Directors 6
Sibongile Magugwana


Live life with no regrets and remember good days will bring you happiness and bad days bring you experience.

img sibongiseni gcelu
Sibongiseni Gcelu


Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limit.

Board of Directors 3
Siyanda Mtalana


Don’t wait for a coronation; the greatest emperors crown themselves

Willem Scholtz


“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – Benjamin Franklin

Zanda van Rooyen


“Be yourself”

img zanoxolo filifili
Zanoxolo Filifili


You learn more from failure than from success.

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Purpose & Values

Purpose, Vision, Mission & Values

Our redefined purpose, vision and mission

Our purpose is our why; our vision is our what; and our mission is our how.


Accelerating economic prosperity, opportunity, inclusivity, creativity and innovation.



To be respected as the enabler of Africa’s smartest community of creativity, opportunity, sustainability and excellence.



By establishing and activating an integrated smart “hub” model that consistently and continuously unlocks innovation, collaboration, transformation and the power of location to reignite opportunity and possibility for all stakeholders.

Our Mission

The successful realisation of this purpose is not measured purely by commercial interests, but also by the centre’s ongoing and significant contribution to the growth and revenue of business tourism in South Africa. We bring this purpose to reality through:

Maximising economic spin-off and job creation

Focusing on innovation and exceeding expectations

Achieving service excellence by building capable and quality staff

Becoming a world leader in sustainability initiatives

Our Values

Our values enable us to do business and underpin our purpose:

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We live to go beyond.

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We are transparent in our actions.

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We create magic that gives us the edge.

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We create superior experiences.

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We are appreciative of the opportunities provided by the CTICC, City of Cape Town and the country we live in.

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We care for one another, our clients, our business, our building, and our equipment.

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Environmental Sustainability – Water

Environmental Sustainability Water

To date, the CTICC’s water supply has been provided by the City of Cape Town. During the 2021/22 financial year, the CTICC used a total of 12 320.6 kilolitres of water, an increase of 26.2% compared to the previous reporting period.

The increase in water usage was due to an uptake in events after lockdown restrictions were removed.

Our Water Saving Initiatives

  • The CTICC continues to implement a range of water-saving measures across all its departments and services. These include:
  • Maximising the use of rainwater storage tanks, which capture up to 265 000 litres of water at a time, which is then used for irrigation of indoor plants, cleaning and, in the winter months, providing water to the cooling towers of the central air-conditioning system.
  • Collecting the condensate from the air-conditioning units: about 20 000 litres of water are collected every week and are used for cleaning purposes at the centre.
  • Limiting washing machine use by not using tablecloths and offering disposable napkins and biodegradable cups in our coffee shops, as well as providing our clients with the option to use these sorts of utensils at their events.
  • Reducing water usage by installing aerators in all taps in the kitchens, staff showers and meeting suites.
  • Supervising the water use of exhibitors and, in particular, plumbing orders: for example, sand or seawater has replaced freshwater in ballast operations at outside exhibitions.

Our Reverse Osmosis Plant

All of the water we use, including in the kitchens and drinkable water from the taps, is from the reverse osmosis plant, which has a 15-year lifespan.

img water cticc ro plant

The significant saving was realised because of the implementation of the reverse osmosis (RO) plant, which converts groundwater to potable water. 

Installed to cater fully for all our daily water consumption needs, it can produce 200 000 litres of potable drinking water in a 24-hour cycle and has a tank storage capacity of 400 000 litres, to accommodate for maximum demand scenarios. 

In addition, much of the complex was also in lockdown for most of the third and the entire fourth quarter of the year in review.  There was a spike in usage when the Hospital of Hope was set up in CTICC 1 in June 2020, overall, the water usage trend is down due to the RO plant.


Green Your Event

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Sustainable Events

Sustainable Events

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Planning is key when greening your event and the earlier you begin, the better the results and impact. To get you started, download and complete our Sustainability Checklist below, remember to send it to your event executive as early as possible in the planning process to start the conversation, from there our sustainability team will come on board to help you make your event an environmental success.


+27 (0)21 410 5000

At the CTICC, clients are assured their venue host is as committed to protecting the planet as they are. We offer a variety of conference packages as a base from which to build your event, which means you can add on and customise your event to your requirements, creating an Extraordinary Experience for your delegates and visitors. Clients are given every opportunity to ‘green’ their events, reducing their environmental impact and carbon footprint.CTICC offers clients the opportunity to donate any excess food, waste or consumables to the centre’s local community partners.
For more information about events and sustainability at the CTICC, view our Sustainability FAQs.

CTICC Sustainability Checklist

We have created an event greening checklist to get you started on making your event environmentally conscious! Download and complete the below purposefully designed guide as early as possible, and go green.

Download Checklist

Green Your Event

There are various measures event organisers can take to ensure a more sustainable event:

  • D790A1FA-0A06-4A49-8816-E3D961F7A0CBCreated with sketchtool.1
    Connect with us early, and we will happily advise on possible green solutions
  • DDDD98DB-3C52-4EE5-BEC0-8F05D176CBDBCreated with sketchtool.2
    Measure the waste and energy of your event
  • 827191C5-B0CF-48B4-9ACC-5C1ADBA420F5Created with sketchtool.3
    Choose efficient waste removal and recycling
  • 8FD9CBD3-A6EB-448F-ADC6-299027F58225Created with sketchtool.4
    Help us uplift and empower communities
  • 4800E1AD-B54C-43DD-ABA0-DCE82F356FE4Created with sketchtool.5
    Conserve water
  • ACBF3AAE-DF48-4D53-B1E4-A3A52F7FE4BCCreated with sketchtool.6
    Measure and offset the carbon footprint of your event

Ready to start planning your event at the CTICC?

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Sustainability Statement

Sustainability Statement

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We continuously strive to find innovative ways to mitigate our impact on the environment while advancing people and providing them with new opportunities to grow. As such we are actively aligned to and base our operations on the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles, contained in the UN sustainability goals for the year 2030, which facilities our triple bottom line approach to sustainable business; People, Planet & Profit.

Nurture Our World

As sustainability is both a moral obligation and a strategic imperative, the CTICC places great importance on integrating economic, social, and environmental sustainability into every aspect of its operations.

Driving our triple bottom line sustainability objectives is our Nurture Our World (NOW) committee, which has implemented various practices and raised awareness around sustainability.

We established our NOW initiative in 2009. Initially set up as a way to transform commitment into practical action, NOW quickly evolved into a central component of our sustainability strategy. The NOW team, comprising representatives from all areas of the business, work together to ensure that sustainability stays at the centre of every aspect of our business.

Through this continued commitment, our positive impact extends to assisting clients green their own events. All initiatives are spearheaded by the NOW team, which is complemented by a dedicated CTICC Sustainability Officer, connect with us by emailing now@cticc.wowfingers.com.

Economic Growth and Job Creation

Designed and built to connect people, the CTICC provides the ideal platform for the exchange of ideas and growing the knowledge economy, which in turn has economically contributed to the City of Cape Town, Western Cape and the country. The centre aims to bring people together through world class events that promote economic growth and job creation.


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Objectives of SCM

Objectives Of Supply Chain Management

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    Give effect to the provisions of the Constitution, 1996
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    Give effect to the provisions of the MFMA, 2003
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    Transform outdated procurement and provisioning practices into an integrated SCM function
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    Ensure that SCM forms an integral part of the financial management system of the centre
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    Make significant improvement to financial management in the broader public sector
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    Create a common understanding and interpretation of government’s preferential procurement policy objectives
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    Promote consistency in respect of SCM policy and other related policy initiatives in government
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    Align with global trends and ensure that South Africa adheres to international best practices

Elements As Incorporated Into CTICC’s
SCM Policy


Demand Management

This is the beginning of the supply chain management process and forms part of the strategic planning of the municipality. The municipality will identify resources required to support its commitments. Demand management ensures resources are delivered at the correct time, place, price, quantity and quality.


Acquisition Management

This is the management of procurement by the municipality. Acquisition management determines the process to be applied when procuring the needed goods and services; including however the market will be approached, bid documentation to be used, how bids will be evaluated and the contract documentation to be signed.


Logistics Management

This aspect addresses the setting of inventory levels, the receiving and distribution of goods, store and warehouse management, transport management, vendor performance, maintenance as well as contract administration.


Performance Management

This is the monitoring process, undertaking a retrospective analysis to determine whether the proper processes have been followed and whether the desired objectives were achieved. It is the responsibility of the supply chain senior manager to ensure that these objectives and elements are adhered to and implemented. Thereby ensuring a sound, sustainable and accountable supply chain system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective.

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CTICC Tenders & RFQs

Browse all the latest CTICC tender and RFQ advertisements, opening and award registers. You can also download all bid documents and submit your RFQ offers online here.

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02 / 2023

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