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RFQ 002/2024 Supply & Delivery of Banqueting Furniture and Displays

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CTICC 002/2024 Provision of Internal Audit Services

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Panel: Supply & Delivery of Stationery & Office Equipment

All bids received will be opened in public, late proposals and proposals submitted by e-mail or fax will under no circumstances be accepted. The CTICC reserves the right to withdraw any proposal, invitation and/or to re-advertise or to reject any proposals or to accept any part of it. The CTICC does not bind itself to accepting the lowest bid or to award a contract to the bidder who scores the highest number of points.

Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivery, opening and assessment of tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

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Supply and Delivery of Emergency Evacuation Chairs

All bids received will be opened in public, late proposals and proposals submitted by e-mail or fax will under no circumstances be accepted. The CTICC reserves the right to withdraw any proposal, invitation and/or to re-advertise or to reject any proposals or to accept any part of it. The CTICC does not bind itself to accepting the lowest bid or to award a contract to the bidder who scores the highest number of points.

Requirements for sealing, addressing, delivery, opening and assessment of tenders are stated in the Tender Data.

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CTICC 005/2024 Provision Of Maintenance & Operational Services For The CTICC’s Borehole Pre-Treatment, Reverse Osmosis Plant, Booster Pump System and Bulk Distribution Pipelines

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The welcome return of students and graduates to the CTICC

As former president Nelson Mandela once said:

The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow

and the CTICC has always taken this to heart. We have the privilege and responsibility to pass on invaluable knowledge to young people so that they can grow and make their own mark on the world.

Being part of this development process, where we can leave a positive impression on our youth and they, in turn, can assist others, is something that inspires us and is in line with our values of passion, integrity, innovation, excellence, gratitude and caring.

We are pleased to say that, after the pandemic hiatus, there are more students and graduates at the CTICC this year than there have been for a long time. The process of selecting the students who join us is built on strong long-term partnerships with several schools and colleges, such as Mitchell’s Plain School of Skills, False Bay College, COOKtastic Culinary School, the International Hotel School and Northlink College. We are, therefore, able to draw from a wide pool of students, some of whom are funded through the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA).

We host students for work-integrated learning, ranging from a minimum of two months up to a full year. A structured integrated learning programme is followed and a manager is assigned as a mentor for each student, ensuring that training and exposure are maximised during the time they are with us.

With our graduates, we follow the standard recruitment process, via advertisements placed internally, on our company website and externally. Graduates are then recruited and placed in critical support functions based on business needs and available budget. Graduates are in the business for 12 months and assigned, like students, to a manager who ensures that comprehensive job exposure and training takes place.

All our students and graduates are encouraged to apply for available positions after they have completed their programmes. In the year under review, for instance, we permanently appointed one graduate in our Finance department.

Our graduates:

  • Juandré-Lee Apollis
  • Katelynn Becker
  • Megan Johnson
    Human Capital
  • Thomas Meys
    Human Capital

Our students:

  • Alizwa Jezile
    Food & Beverage
  • Azra Barnard
    Food & Beverage
  • Darryl Johnson
    Food & Beverage
  • Edward Harker
    Food & Beverage
  • Faith Adams
    Food & Beverage
  • Jody Erasmus
    Food & Beverage
  • Kayla Growley
    Food & Beverage
  • Keagan Joseph
    Food & Beverage
  • Keanu Joseph
    Food & Beverage
  • Mikyle Brown
    Food & Beverage
  • Raeesha Benjamin
    Food & Beverage
  • Sinalo Phuthela
    Food & Beverage
  • Mujahid Arnold
    Food & Beverage

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Our remarkable rehires

We have been pleased to be able to rehire a number of former staff members as demand for events has grown. It remains our policy to rehire where possible.

When the pandemic forced us to retrench staff in 2021, the CTICC committed to considering those who were retrenched for possible re-employment, if a suitable vacancy later arose. To date, we have re-employed six employees, five in the Operations Department and one in Commercial.

Retrenched staff have to apply for posts along with the general public and other internal candidates and they are considered if they are a good fit for the role based on job requirements, their experience and educational level. There are benefits to rehiring employees already familiar with the CTICC and our structures, policies and procedures: it makes induction and integration into the business easier.

Our rehired colleagues are as follows:

  • Avrill Jansen van Rensburg
    Maintenance storeman
  • Mzovuyo Daniso
    Back-of-house supervisor
  • Moeshfieka Joseph
    Revenue administrator
  • Sibulele Mabengu
    Parking controller
  • Mthobisi Hleza
    Parking controller
  • Simphiwe Dantyi
    General handyman

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Moving on up: promotions

These four staff members have made significant strides in their departments and careers. Each of them has left their mark on the CTICC in some way — either by mentoring others, delivering results, improving processes or building relationships with our clients. We look forward to seeing what more they can achieve over the next few years.


Lourenzo Cupido joined the CRICC in September 2020 as a Financial Administrator Assistant and in 2022/23 was promoted to Financial Administrator. He says this is all thanks to his manager recognising his potential and believing he was ready for this new role.

For Lourenzo, the CTICC has left a lasting impression on his life by nurturing his strong work ethic and providing him with a platform to take his career to the next level.

“The CTICC has inspired me to pursue my passion in finance and opened new opportunities for me personally and professionally,” he says.

Lourenzo hopes to leave his mark on the CTICC as well – by continuing to share findings, contribute ideas to increase efficiency in finance processes and to better understand other departments that feed into the balance sheet.

“Knowledge is power. Understanding and knowing how all the departments within the organisation operate makes it easier to assist in problem-solving and making sure the 20 years continue ticking,” says Lourenzo.

The CTICC has kept Lourenzo open-minded and flexible in his thinking patterns.

“I enjoy working and finding ways to improve current processes,” he says.

And the highlight of his new position?

“Being able to contribute to a clean audit”

“Working at the CTICC has made me more open-minded and flexible. I have also learnt that assisting with community upliftment is just as important as out financial contributions,” says Lourenzo.


Mafiwa Kock joined the CTICC’s Commercial department in 2015 as a Sales Graduate and was promoted in the 2022/23 financial year to National Sales Executive. says. She has extensive experience – eight years, in fact – and has held different positions throughout her time with us, which has exposed her to the full cycle of sales.

“I have the skill and knowledge – and the CTICC has inspired me in ways that I now believe in myself and know that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to,” she says.

Mafiwa says that the self-confidence she built up during her time at the CTICC has made her a more optimistic and positive person and she believes that this shows through in the projects she’s been involved in.

The CTICC has left lasting impressions on Mafiwa‘s life in the simplest – but most meaningful – way: she can now provide for herself and her family. She passes on this gratitude by mentoring and training newly joined team members.

“I want my lasting impression to be that I showed humility to others,” she tells us.

“I have learnt a lot from the people at the CTICC by asking questions and having the will to learn and grow,” Mafiwa says.


Bongani Wondo started his journey at the CTICC 15 years ago when he joined us in 2008 as a Parking Controller. During the year under review, he was promoted to Parking Supervisor. Bongani says his time at the CTICC has transformed his life

“from a young person who came from a disadvantaged background to a person who now supports my entire family,”

Knowing first-hand how a little trust and encouragement can change the trajectory of someone’s live and career Bongani is leaving his mark on the CTICC by mentoring and training his teammates, and sharing the best of his knowledge so that the company objectives can be achieved.

“I have good customer relationships, both internally and externally. I work with someone who has been here since the CTICC opened and this has inspired me to give 145% to the organisation,” he says.

Amongst his top highlights during his time with us have been the various corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives we undertake every year.

“The CTICC has engaged and uplifred many organisations in the community and this has made an impact in my life. I have started seeing things differently and now I can give to those in need selflessly, without expectations.”

Bongani says his passion stems from

“Knowing where I come from and challenging myself to achieve more.”

We look forward to seeing where your passion takes you, Bongani.

“The improvements I have made thanks to the CTICC have been life-changing and a step further in my career as a professional,” Bongani Wondo says.


Monique joined the CTICC in October 2016 as the Creditors Clerk in the Finance department and, during the year under review, was promoted to Senior Creditors Clerk. This vote of confidence has not only given her a self-esteem boost but has also encouraged her to keep leading by example: communicating effectively, delegating wisely and recognising appreciation.

“I believe the best way to leave a lasting impression is by how you carry yourself within your organisation and how you build relationships both within your department and with other departments.”

With that in mind, it‘s not surprising that she is quick to give credit to her colleagues.

“My team motivates me the most. Their dedication and hard work have pushed me to higher levels. We always help each other wherever we can,” she says.

Monique also leans into the wisdom of older team members and says there is constant mentorship from her superiors, as she takes on bigger responsibilities, leadership roles and new challenges.

Accountancy is her calling, she tells us.

“I‘ve always been dedicated to the accounting field. It‘s always been of great interest.”

“The CTICC has taught me to always help out wherever and whenever I can – whether it’s someone on my team, the community or a family member,” says Monique.

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Long-term training stories

During the year under review, in addition to generally standardised short-term training, the CTICC provided two permanent staff members with highly targeted long-term training via the International Association of Congress Centres (AIPC) Future Leaders programme. One male and one female were trained. Their story follows below.

Arisha Sukaloo and Sibongiseni Gcelu: Building legacies with winning ideas
Commercial and Food & Beverage departments

During the year under review, two key staff members from our Commercial and Food & Beverage departments were selected to participate in a prestigious international leadership development programme for the MICE sector. The nine-month programme took the form of seven masterclasses on topics such as Leadership, Personal Journey, Ideation, Agility and Customer Experience.

Thirteen industry professionals from around the world were chosen to address an industry challenge. Collaborating in groups, they devised a solution, crafted a business case and documented it in a white paper published to the AIPC online community. These solutions were showcased at the AIPC Conference 2023 in Luxembourg. aiming to attract potential investors to bolster the events industry.

“I want to be remembered as the Revenue Manager that was not only a bean counter, but one that was an influential leader and cared for the business as if it was her own,” says Arisha

Our committed colleagues found themselves in separate teams for the business case exercise and although Arisha‘s team’s ‘Visionary’ 3D space visualisation sales tool idea won the day, Chef Sibu‘s team‘s E:QUAL inclusive and collaborative sector support initiative was a superb runner-up. Many lessons were learned by everyone involved.

Arisha’s journey was marked by transformative insight. She learned to embrace ‘failure’ as a stepping-stone to ‘opportunity’, discovered the enriching potential of networking and realised that true accomplishment lies in overcoming one’s inner challenges, not just external ones. Notably, she transformed her once-deep fear of public speaking into passion. Through her training, she emerged not only as a confident speaker but also as someone who is now enthusiastic about sharing inspirational messages with others.

Chef Sibu’s top three learnings were simple yet powerful: harnessing the power of networking; remembering, as a leader, that change begins with you; and creating positive outcomes out of crises. The programme also empowered him with the skills to be more solution-driven: great communication skills; crisis management skills and an appreciation for collaboration – a learning that Arisha echoed.

Ultimately, the AIPC Future Leaders programme left lasting impressions on them both. Arisha says that representing the CTICC on a global platform and ‘Visionary’ being the winning team at the AIPC Conference 2023 reaffirmed the CTICC‘s dedication to excellence.

“More team members are excited to be part of this experiential opportunity and are also proud that I represented the CTICC in Luxembourg,” she says.

For Chef Sibu, the experience allowed him to forge long-lasting connections – and that working at the CTICC has presented many opportunities. This is truly our values in action – passion, integrity, innovation, excellence, gratitude and caring – and reflects our commitment to training.

We intend to continue leaving our mark on the individuals that we work with, as well as their teams, departments, our centre, our communities and our country

“I want to be remembered as a committed individual: a hard worker: a passionate go-getter: an innovative problem solver and a caring colleague and leader,” Chef Sibu says.

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Short-term training stories

We have chosen two short-term training experiences from the year in review, highlighting the ongoing commitment of the CTICC to providing learning opportunities that broaden people‘s horizons.

Olivia Bruce: Cultivating a sustainable brand in a global context
Head of Marketing – Commercial department

Olivia has been at the CTICC for most of our first two decades and has risen through the ranks to be Head of Marketing today. Working at the CTICC has profoundly shaped her perspective on the broader impact our meetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE) sector can have on the world around us. Working with industry colleagues has cemented that vision.

She attended the 61st International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) congress, held in Krakow, Poland, from 6 – 9 November 2022. Here, she received an award on behalf of the CTICC for our long-standing membership in ICCA – since we opened our doors in 2003.

The CTICC‘s former managing director, Dirk Elzinga, acknowledged and expressed his delight and pride that Olivia was the one who accepted the award. This was because during his tenure, Olivia began her journey with us and the CTICC joined ICCA, so it was a full circle moment for us all.

The overarching message of this trade association conference for an industry that was hit very hard by the pandemic was, tellingly, ‘Together We Can‘. The three most important things she learned from the event focused on:

  • Embracing technology and digitization, including the rise of ‘hybrid worlds‘ such as holographic displays and other immersive experiences;
  • Distinctive brand differentiation, which links to a number of factors – country branding, diversity and inclusion, venue offering, wellness policies, legacy practices and sustainability commitments;
  • Environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles as a core component of a brand by embracing planet, people and integrity in a regenerative context that promises genuine sustainability for the sector over time.

The CTICC is already making great strides in these areas, reinforcing Olivia‘s belief in the CTICC‘s and the sector‘s brand and sustainability commitments.

Our Sustainable ethos not only inspires me to drive more events to the venue but also reinforces my belief in the power of purpose-driven work.

Concludes Olivia.

Alex Gird: Going green for a vital environment
Maintenance Manager – Operations department

Alex Gird has been with the CTICC since 2012. He attended a Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) seminar from 2 – 4 November 2022. GBCSA advocates for all buildings to be designed, built and operated in an environmentally sustainable manner and to this end, they offer certifications and training to their members.

The CTICC has been a member of GBCSA for several years and has received a 4-star Green Star Building accreditation for CTICC 2 from the governing body.

For Alex, the seminar was a “reality check” in terms of carbon emissions. To ensure a sustainable future, these emissions need to be reduced and a mindset shift is needed when designing buildings and driving transformation. It is not just about the three Rs anymore – reducing, recycling, reusing. There is now a fourth R: regenerating… Energy, in particular, so that we reduce to a minimum the resources we use and hopefully generate extra as well – all to tackle climate change. And that affects both building design and energy conservation in equal measure. So, the seminar gave him some valuable tools to upskill himself and improve overall sustainability in our business, he says.

Alex is a key member of our Nurture Our World (NOW) team and plans to share his learnings with the rest of NOW so that we can continue leaving lasting, positive impressions on our environment.

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