Sustainability Statement

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We continuously strive to find innovative ways to mitigate our impact on the environment while advancing people and providing them with new opportunities to grow. As such we are actively aligned to and base our operations on the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) principles, contained in the UN sustainability goals for the year 2030, which facilities our triple bottom line approach to sustainable business; People, Planet & Profit.

Nurture Our World

As sustainability is both a moral obligation and a strategic imperative, the CTICC places great importance on integrating economic, social, and environmental sustainability into every aspect of its operations.

Driving our triple bottom line sustainability objectives is our Nurture Our World (NOW) committee, which has implemented various practices and raised awareness around sustainability.

We established our NOW initiative in 2009. Initially set up as a way to transform commitment into practical action, NOW quickly evolved into a central component of our sustainability strategy. The NOW team, comprising representatives from all areas of the business, work together to ensure that sustainability stays at the centre of every aspect of our business.

Through this continued commitment, our positive impact extends to assisting clients green their own events. All initiatives are spearheaded by the NOW team, which is complemented by a dedicated CTICC Sustainability Officer, connect with us by emailing

Economic Growth and Job Creation

Designed and built to connect people, the CTICC provides the ideal platform for the exchange of ideas and growing the knowledge economy, which in turn has economically contributed to the City of Cape Town, Western Cape and the country. The centre aims to bring people together through world class events that promote economic growth and job creation.