
IMPORTANT: THE CTICC will never contact a service provider/supplier to request money for any tender, formal quotations, or quotations.

By order – Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mr Wayne De Wet

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CTICC Tenders & RFQs

Supply Chain Management


The Supply Chain Management (SCM) office is responsible for the procurement of goods and services needed by CTICC to ensure service delivery. The objectives of the SCM team include:


Managing bidding processes for CTICC tenders and RFQs, ensuring that SCM forms an integral part of the CTICC’s financial management system, promoting consistency with SCM Policy and other related Government Policy initiatives and ensuring alignment with global trends and best practices.

The elements of Supply Chain Management, as incorporated into the CTICC’s SCM Policy, are;

1. Demand Management
2. Acquisition Management
3. Logistics Management
4. Performance Management

Supply Chain FAQs

The CTICC may only do business with companies who have been vetted, and registered as a prospective CTICC supplier, in accordance with our SCM Policy. You must register on our supplier database to be able to respond to any tenders or RFQs.

The following documentation is required:

  1. Proof of company / close corporation / trust registration.
  2. Proof of the latest municipal account(s) of the company and all directors/shareholders/members/partners (both physical and business addresses and statements) no older than three months.
  3. Certified ID copies of all members/directors of the company, corporation, partnership or sole proprietor.
  4. Original valid Tax Clearance Certificate and/or Tax Compliance Status Pin.
  5. Proof of VAT registration, where applicable.
  6. Proof of registration with the National Treasury Centralised Supplier Database (CSD).
  7. Bank details (together with a cancelled cheque/bank stamp or original letter from financial institute) not older than three months.
  8. An original or originally certified copy of a valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate issued by a SANAS accredited rating agency. Exempted Micro Enterprises (EME’s) and Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE’s) may submit a valid, original affidavit, in the format prescribed by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), or an affidavit issued by Companies Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).

As a minimum, and in order to retain your status as a prospective supplier on the CTICC’s supplier database, suppliers must update their information annually, or, in any of the following instances:

  1. The company’s registration details have changed.
  2. Any change in the company’s owners, shareholders, members or directors.
  3. A change in the supplier’s tax status.
  4. A change in the supplier’s B-BBEE status.

This is a database established by the National Treasury which maintains a database of organisations, institutions and individuals who can provide goods and services to government. The CSD serves as the single source of key supplier information for organs of state. Therefore, registration on the CSD is a requirement for all prospective suppliers who wish to do business with any organ of state. Please click here to register on the CSD.

Yes, in terms of the CTICC’s SCM Policy, all bidders who submitted an offer for a tender or RFQ are entitled to the reasons why their offer was not successful. Enquiries of this nature can be addressed to the supply chain manager.

Organisations are able to obtain a B-BBEE Status Level Certificate though a SANAS accredited rating agency. Alternatively, organisations which qualify as EME or QSE may complete a valid, original affidavit, in the format prescribed by the DTI, or an affidavit issued by CIPC. For me information on B-BBEE certification click here.