The welcome return of students and graduates to the CTICC

As former president Nelson Mandela once said:

The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow

and the CTICC has always taken this to heart. We have the privilege and responsibility to pass on invaluable knowledge to young people so that they can grow and make their own mark on the world.

Being part of this development process, where we can leave a positive impression on our youth and they, in turn, can assist others, is something that inspires us and is in line with our values of passion, integrity, innovation, excellence, gratitude and caring.

We are pleased to say that, after the pandemic hiatus, there are more students and graduates at the CTICC this year than there have been for a long time. The process of selecting the students who join us is built on strong long-term partnerships with several schools and colleges, such as Mitchell’s Plain School of Skills, False Bay College, COOKtastic Culinary School, the International Hotel School and Northlink College. We are, therefore, able to draw from a wide pool of students, some of whom are funded through the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA).

We host students for work-integrated learning, ranging from a minimum of two months up to a full year. A structured integrated learning programme is followed and a manager is assigned as a mentor for each student, ensuring that training and exposure are maximised during the time they are with us.

With our graduates, we follow the standard recruitment process, via advertisements placed internally, on our company website and externally. Graduates are then recruited and placed in critical support functions based on business needs and available budget. Graduates are in the business for 12 months and assigned, like students, to a manager who ensures that comprehensive job exposure and training takes place.

All our students and graduates are encouraged to apply for available positions after they have completed their programmes. In the year under review, for instance, we permanently appointed one graduate in our Finance department.

Our graduates:

  • Juandré-Lee Apollis
  • Katelynn Becker
  • Megan Johnson
    Human Capital
  • Thomas Meys
    Human Capital

Our students:

  • Alizwa Jezile
    Food & Beverage
  • Azra Barnard
    Food & Beverage
  • Darryl Johnson
    Food & Beverage
  • Edward Harker
    Food & Beverage
  • Faith Adams
    Food & Beverage
  • Jody Erasmus
    Food & Beverage
  • Kayla Growley
    Food & Beverage
  • Keagan Joseph
    Food & Beverage
  • Keanu Joseph
    Food & Beverage
  • Mikyle Brown
    Food & Beverage
  • Raeesha Benjamin
    Food & Beverage
  • Sinalo Phuthela
    Food & Beverage
  • Mujahid Arnold
    Food & Beverage