CTICC Leadership Team

EXCO Members

Leadership Team

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SVRI Forum 2024

AF23 214 CTICC BANNER 330 × 540
Africa Health & Medlab Africa 2024

For CTICCCard Thumbnails

Michael Collins - Profile Picure 1
Michael Collins

Manager: National Sales

“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are”

Bongani Wondo - Profile Picture 1
Bongani Wondo

Parking & Logistics Manager

“Practice what you preach”

Alex Gird - Profile Picture 1
Alex Gird

Maintenance Manager

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein

Bid Award Register – August 2024

Bid Award Register – July 2024

Event Cancellation: AllSport Expo

IM5 4768
Kagiso Nonyana

Head of Facilities

“Our solutions today are our future problems.”